感谢你有兴趣来bbin信誉网站学习. 我们希望这个网站是一个有用的资源,为您导航大学申请过程.
在这里,你会找到一些学生经常问我们的问题的答案. 如果您有问题没有在这里或我们网站的其他地方得到回答,请 bbin信誉网站.
你必须携带bbin信誉网站顾问签署的许可证, 或ACT或SAT成绩单复印件. If you do not have documentation with you at the time of the test you will be required to take the ENTIRE test. 如果你还没有把ACT或SAT成绩寄到bbin信誉网站,你需要这样做. 要申请额外的成绩报告,请访问ACT的网页 www.行为.org 或SAT的网页 www.坐.org 并派人寄给:
Enrollment Services 和/or 建议 should let the 测试中心 know ex行为ly what test the prospective student is to take upon arrival.
学生 who have taken the ACT or SAT test within the past two years 和 scored appropriately in the individual English, 阅读或数学考试不需要参加相应的ACCUPLACER考试:
- ACT 19或以上英语成绩, 或SAT阅读/写作成绩在480分或以上, 免除你的ACCUPLACER写作测试.
- ACT 19或以上阅读成绩, 或SAT阅读/写作成绩在480分或以上, 免除你的ACCUPLACER阅读测试.
- ACT数学22分或以上, 或SAT数学530或更高, 免除你的ACCUPLACER预代数测试, 但是你需要参加ACCUPLACER代数测试.
已完成课程的学生, or taken a placement test such as ASSET or ACCUPLACER at another college or university may be exempt from portions of the ACCUPLACER test. 这些学生在参加ACCUPLACER测试前应该先咨询顾问或辅导员. Documentation is required 和 must be reviewed by an advisor to determine which portions of the ACCUPLACER test are needed for course placement. You will need to bring an unofficial copy of your college transcript or ASSET/ACCUPLACER scores when you come to the 建议 Center to see an advisor. 没有文档, 学生将被要求参加整个ACCUPLACER测试,以确定课程安排. Placement test scores from other colleges 和 universities that are not ASSET or ACCUPLACER scores cannot be used for course placement at bbin信誉网站.
ACT和/或SAT成绩验证仍然应该首先通过咨询. 然后通知考试中心,未来的学生将参加哪些考试.
我们鼓励您为ACCUPLACER测试复习和学习. Accuplacer测试者可以在Accuplacer上做一些练习测试.org网站下有“学生门户”、“学生信息”、“Accuplacer实践资源”.样本测试和更多关于所涵盖主题的信息可在 ACCUPLACER.org.
一旦注册打开,贷款申请就可用. 以便在付款截止日期前处理您的贷款申请, 通过以下方式提交贷款申请和任何经济援助要求:
- 秋季学期:七月一日
- 春季学期:十二月. 1
- 夏季学期:五月一日
访问 六氯.edu/loans 了解更多信息.
如联邦贷款指引所述, 你一学年有资格获得的实际贷款金额由你的学校决定. bbin信誉网站的贷款资格是根据授权的具体情况确定的 34 CFR 685.301(a)8 《高等教育法. 最高年度贷款金额不作保证.
年级水平 | 学时(适用学位) | 基地贷款 | +额外无补贴 |
第一年 | 0 - 29学时 | $3,500 | $2,000(受抚养)$6,000(独立) |
第二年 | 30+学时 | $4,500 | $2,000(受抚养)$6,000(独立) |
除了, lifetime limits 和 prior student loan debt may restrict the amount of student loans that can be borrowed.
大约10%的符合条件的学生在bbin信誉网站借款. 那些借钱的人, 2020-21年毕业时的平均联邦学生贷款债务为9美元,258.
我们建议学生使用 联邦学生援助偿还计算器 和 绘制你未来的债务/薪水向导 to underst和 long-term costs of borrowing 和ir anticipated ability to repay their student loans. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 studentaid.gov /贷款.
贷款申请在收到所有所需文件后约需两星期处理, 在此了解更多有关贷款申请的信息. This may increase to three or more weeks during peak registration periods (the time between payment deadline 和 start of the semester). 贷款将按收到的顺序处理. 提交贷款申请和所有要求后, 学生应该关注他们的myBlackHawk电子邮件的状态更新.
一旦在您的帐单帐户上建立信用余额,退款将由财务处处理. 退款将在信用余额创建后大约14天提供. 为了避免延误,预计会收到退款的学生应该登录他们的账户.refundselection.以尽快选择退款偏好.
学生 should ALWAYS contact the 金融援助 Office BEFORE changing their schedule (adding or dropping classes) to determine how changes will imp行为 their costs 和 financial aid.
经济援助是基于整个学期的出勤率. 如果你在学期完成60%之前放弃了所有的课程, federal regulations require schools to recalculate your financial aid eligibility (including student loans) to determine how much was “earned”. 以最后一次学术活动或参与日期为准, 你的经济援助也会相应调整, 这可能意味着偿还部分或全部的经济援助.
此外,学生应完成67%的课程(见 令人满意的学业进展). Withdrawing from coursework may negatively imp行为 your eligibility to continue receiving financial aid in the future.
You must cancel any pending loans at bbin信誉网站 和 contact your new college to determine what requirements you need to complete.
贷款借款人在毕业后必须参加联邦贷款退出咨询, 撤回, 或者降到6个学时以下, 即使他们打算转到另一个机构. bbin信誉网站 will email a notification with Exit 咨询 information to your student email 和 personal email provided on that year’s FAFSA. (如果没有提交FAFSA,将使用与学院列出的个人邮箱.)
贷款服务商是一家处理账单和其他联邦学生贷款服务的公司. The loan servicer will work with you on repayment plans 和 loan consolidation 和 will assist you with other tasks related to your federal student loan. 与你的贷款服务商保持联系是很重要的. 如果您的情况在还款期间的任何时间发生变化, 您的贷款服务人员将能够提供帮助.
学生应在联邦学生援助(FSA)上更新他们的联系信息 studentaid.gov /登录 确保他们的贷款服务商有更新的信息.
您的贷款服务人员将与您联系有关还款事宜. 您也可以访问您的贷款服务信息,以及您的贷款历史,在 国家学生贷款数据系统.
如果你不还学生贷款或者逾期还钱, 你的贷款将被视为拖欠,并可能最终进入违约. 如果你拖欠助学贷款, 这一状况将报告给信用机构, 你的信用评级和未来的借贷能力将受到损害. 除了, legal 行为ion can be taken to require payment through garnishment of wages 和 withholding of tax refunds.
除了, students with a defaulted loan will lose eligibility to receive any additional federal or state financial aid.
你必须携带bbin信誉网站顾问签署的许可证, 或ACT或SAT成绩单复印件. If you do not have documentation with you at the time of the test you will be required to take the ENTIRE test. 如果你还没有把ACT或SAT成绩寄到bbin信誉网站,你需要这样做. 要申请额外的成绩报告,请访问ACT的网页 www.行为.org 或SAT的网页 www.坐.org 并派人寄给:
Enrollment Services 和/or 建议 should let the 测试中心 know ex行为ly what test the prospective student is to take upon arrival.
学生 who have taken the ACT or SAT test within the past two years 和 scored appropriately in the individual English, 阅读或数学考试不需要参加相应的ACCUPLACER考试:
- ACT 19或以上英语成绩, 或SAT阅读/写作成绩在480分或以上, 免除你的ACCUPLACER写作测试.
- ACT 19或以上阅读成绩, 或SAT阅读/写作成绩在480分或以上, 免除你的ACCUPLACER阅读测试.
- ACT数学22分或以上, 或SAT数学530或更高, 免除你的ACCUPLACER预代数测试, 但是你需要参加ACCUPLACER代数测试.
已完成课程的学生, or taken a placement test such as ASSET or ACCUPLACER at another college or university may be exempt from portions of the ACCUPLACER test. 这些学生在参加ACCUPLACER测试前应该先咨询顾问或辅导员. Documentation is required 和 must be reviewed by an advisor to determine which portions of the ACCUPLACER test are needed for course placement. You will need to bring an unofficial copy of your college transcript or ASSET/ACCUPLACER scores when you come to the 建议 Center to see an advisor. 没有文档, 学生将被要求参加整个ACCUPLACER测试,以确定课程安排. Placement test scores from other colleges 和 universities that are not ASSET or ACCUPLACER scores cannot be used for course placement at bbin信誉网站.
ACT和/或SAT成绩验证仍然应该首先通过咨询. 然后通知考试中心,未来的学生将参加哪些考试.
我们鼓励您为ACCUPLACER测试复习和学习. Accuplacer测试者可以在Accuplacer上做一些练习测试.org网站下有“学生门户”、“学生信息”、“Accuplacer实践资源”.样本测试和更多关于所涵盖主题的信息可在 ACCUPLACER.org.
Completing an AA or AS degree has the benefit of program 和/or course equivalency agreements which have been negotiated with four-year colleges 和 universities that allow you to transfer as a junior.
获得AA学位 也满足许多转学学校的低级通识教育要求.
与AA学位相比,AS学位对数学和科学的要求略高. 在大多数情况下, students transferring to an Illinois four-year college or university will complete lower division general education courses after transfer (one additional course in Humanities or Fine Arts 和 one additional course in Social 和 Behavioral Sciences). 有些学校会自动对每门课程进行评估(包括奥古斯塔纳学院)。. 如果你不确定哪个学位最适合你的计划,选择AA,然后和你的导师谈谈.
AAS学位为学生在课程完成后立即就业做好准备. AAS强调特定领域的培训与大约一个学期的通识教育课程相结合. 学生 in AAS 和 career Certificate programs who think they may want to transfer should talk with their advisor about selecting general education courses. 请参阅转移清单和计划指南 从职业项目转学.
这两个学位都需要60学分才能完成,但有细微的区别. AA包括完整的 IAI公司通识教育核心课程. 而AS对数学和科学课程的要求略高, students have the option to take a couple of additional courses at BHC or after transfer (to an Illinois institution) if they want to also complete the IAI公司 GECC.
使用 课程转学表 & Transferology 了解课程如何转换. 如果你没有看到转学学校的名单, 联系你转学学校的注册主任或通过ADVQC@六氯联系bbin信誉网站的顾问.寻求帮助.
Most colleges 和 universities will allow you to transfer at least 60 community college semester hours 和 some BHC transfer partners will accept more credits. It’s important to learn not only how many credits will transfer but how many will be applied to your major requirements. 所有转学学校也都有“居住”要求, 这意味着在他们的学校必须获得最低工作时间(许多学校要求30小时), 有的更多,有的更少). 与你的BHC顾问讨论你的转学想法,决定什么时候转学是最好的 探索高校.
在你计划转学的学期前一年申请. Most colleges 和 universities have application deadlines by which the admission application 和 all supporting documents (transcripts, 文章, 等.)必须提交. 截止日期通常是开学前的两到五个月, 但有些学校允许学生最迟在开课前几周申请. 但不建议等待 – 早期应用! 也要检查一下你的转学学校什么时候需要你的经济援助信息.
Most colleges 和 universities determine your eligibility for admission based on your college record once you’ve earned a specified number of college credit hours (usually 12-30 hours). 如果你转学的学分更少, you will be asked to follow freshman admission requirements including providing your high school transcript.
After you apply to your transfer school you should send any supporting documents required such as your college transcripts. 按照转学学校清单上的说明. You should also complete financial aid 和 scholarship applications 和 begin making housing arrangements if you will be living away from home. 注意你什么时候应该参加迎新培训, 注册并支付课程费用, 搬到校园去.
在规定的截止日期前完成FAFSA和任何学校特定奖学金申请. 取得优异的成绩也会增加你获得优秀奖学金的机会, 哪一个是根据你的平均成绩自动授予的. 你的GPA越高,你就有资格获得更多的钱. 参加 Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会 而在BHC可能有资格获得额外的奖学金.
仔细查看转学学校的一般经济援助网页, 以及他们的转学录取页面和你专业的院系页面. 这些地方可能会有不同的奖学金机会. Also ask the admission staff about other sources of funds the college may offer transfer students such as campus visit awards, 早期FAFSA申报者, out-of-state-student奖, 等.